RISE Chattanooga

“There is in this world no such force as the force of a person determined to RISE.
The human soul cannot be permanently chained.”
W. E. B. Du Bois
R.I.S.E. (Responsive Initiatives for Social Empowerment),
is an independent black-led and founded 501c3 non profit community arts & culture organization dedicated to the development of creative programming and events that aim to transcend cultural barriers while promoting more awareness, vibrancy, inclusiveness and resiliency for the greater Chattanooga communities.

Black History Month 2025 serves as a powerful reminder of how Black history is American history—bringing people of all races together to reflect, learn, and grow.
By celebrating the achievements and struggles of Black communities, we foster understanding, unity, and collective progress.
In a time of renewed challenges, this shared history continues to inspire hope and solidarity for all.
#SayItLoud #togetherweRISECHA #weareculture #MovingForwardTogether